Endless Mountain


At Endless Mountain Detox and Residential Addiction Treatment in Sayre, PA, we believe in providing compassionate care to help those struggling with addiction recover and reclaim their lives. Our team of experienced professionals creates personalized treatment plans to address the unique needs of each individual. With a focus on evidence-based practices, we guide our clients through detoxification and help them develop the skills and tools necessary for long-term recovery. We are dedicated to providing a supportive and safe environment where our clients can heal physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Let us help you start your journey to a lasting recovery.

Detox and Residential Addiction Treatment

Experience life-changing detox and addiction treatment.

Residential Addiction Treatment

Get help today with our residential addiction treatment program.

Drug and Alcohol Detox

Detox from drugs and alcohol, start your recovery today.

Alumni Program

Join our Alumni Program now and stay connected for life.

Women’s Rehab Program

Join our Women’s Rehab Program today and start your journey to recovery.

Men’s Rehab Program

Enroll in our Men’s Rehab Program for recovery and freedom.


CBT helps you change the thought behind the actions


DBT helps you think before you act and see a situation as it is.


The family is a very important in someones recovery.


Finding a community of like-minded individuals.


Meet with your therapist 1 on 1.


Holistic therapy helps the mind, body, and spirit.

Alcohol Detox

Compassionate alcohol detox services in Sayre, PA, at Endless Mountain

Hydrocodone Detox

Effective hydrocodone detox in Sayre, PA, with expert guidance and care

Oxycodone Detox

Regain control and well-being with oxycodone detox at Endless Mountain

Benzodiazepine Detox

Safe and supportive benzodiazepine detox in Sayre, PA, at Endless Mountain

Prescription Opioid Detox

Rediscover sobriety and hope with prescription opioid detox at Endless Mountain.

Fentanyl Detox

Reclaim your life with fentanyl detox at Endless Mountain, Sayre, PA

Morphine Detox

Effective morphine detox in Sayre, PA, with compassionate, professional support

Cocaine Detox

Recover safely with expert cocaine detox at Endless Mountain, Sayre, PA

Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Join our recovery program & overcome alcohol addiction today.

Drug Addiction Treatment

Join our drug addiction treatment program and start your recovery journey.

Benzodiaepine Addiction Treatment

Start Healing Today – Overcome Your Addiction with Our Treatment

Cocaine Addiction Treatment

Reclaim your life today. Get help with Cocaine Addiction Treatment.

Fentyanl Addiction Treatment

Get help now and break free from fentanyl addiction for good.

Heroin Addiction Treatment

Begin your journey to recovery today. Seek our heroin addiction treatment.

Opioid Addiction Treatment

Join our Opioid Treatment Program today and reclaim your life.

Methamphetamine Addiction Treatment

Our Methamphetamine Treatment Program will help you and your family. 


Visit Us:

175 Lamoka Rd,
Sayre, PA 18840

Call Us:


Alcohol Detox

Compassionate alcohol detox services in Sayre, PA, at Endless Mountain

Hydrocodone Detox

Effective hydrocodone detox in Sayre, PA, with expert guidance and care

Oxycodone Detox

Regain control and well-being with oxycodone detox at Endless Mountain

Benzodiazepine Detox

Safe and supportive benzodiazepine detox in Sayre, PA, at Endless Mountain

Marijuana Detox

Safe, specialized marijuana detox in Sayre, PA, with compassionate professionals.

Cocaine Detox

Recover safely with expert cocaine detox at Endless Mountain, Sayre, PA

Fentanyl Detox

Reclaim your life with fentanyl detox at Endless Mountain, Sayre, PA

Morphine Detox

Effective morphine detox in Sayre, PA, with compassionate, professional support

Detox Programs at Endless Mountain in Sayre, PA

Endless Mountain, located in the picturesque landscapes of Sayre, PA, is a leading facility offering a range of specialized detox programs designed to cater to the unique needs of individuals battling various substance dependencies.

Comprehensive Approach to Detoxification

At Endless Mountain, we believe that detoxification is a crucial first step in the recovery journey. Our programs are meticulously designed to ensure that individuals are provided with a safe, comfortable, and medically supervised environment to begin their path to sobriety.

Benzodiazepine Detox Program

Recognizing the complexities of benzodiazepine dependency, our detox program for benzodiazepines is tailored to provide a supportive environment. With a combination of medical monitoring and therapeutic interventions, individuals detoxing from benzodiazepines can expect a smooth and effective process.

Opioid Detox Program

Opioid addiction is a growing concern, and at Endless Mountain, we have developed a program that addresses the unique challenges posed by opioids. Our team of medical professionals ensures that withdrawal symptoms are managed effectively, providing individuals with the best chance at a successful recovery.

Cocaine Detox Program

Understanding the intense psychological grip of cocaine, our detox program for cocaine focuses on both the physical and psychological aspects of withdrawal. With round-the-clock medical supervision and therapeutic support, individuals can confidently break the cycle of addiction.

Post-Detox Support

Detox is just the beginning. Endless Mountain offers a comprehensive post-detox support system, including therapy, counseling, and group sessions. This holistic approach ensures that individuals are equipped with the tools and resources they need to maintain long-term sobriety.

Therapy and Counseling

Our team of therapists and counselors work closely with individuals to address the underlying causes of their addiction, providing them with strategies to cope with triggers and prevent relapse.

Group Sessions

Group sessions offer individuals the opportunity to share their experiences, learn from others, and build a supportive community that can be instrumental in their recovery journey.

Endless Mountain in Sayre, PA, stands as a beacon of hope for those seeking to break free from the chains of addiction. With our range of specialized detox programs and post-detox support, we are committed to guiding individuals every step of the way.

Let us help you climb out of addiction